"*" indicates required fields

Team/Athlete Policies*


Attendance is crucial to the success of any team. Therefore, practices are mandatory during the competitive season (November - April). All absences, with the exception of unexcused absences, MUST be approved by the team coach at least two weeks in advance.
In addition to the four absences allowed in the summer months (see summer vacation policy below), All-Star Elite athletes will be given three UNEXCUSED absences that can be used at any time throughout the season. Full year All-Star Prep and Novice athletes will be given five UNEXCUSED absences which can be used at any time throughout the season.

We encourage all families to book travel on the days the gym is closed throughout the season:

Gym Closure Dates:

Memorial Day: May 27
4th of July Holiday Break: June 28- July 7
Back to School/Labor Day Break: August 26- September 2
Columbus Day: October 14
Halloween: October 31st
Thanksgiving Break: November 27- December 1
Winter Break: December 22- January 1
Presidents Day: February 17

Gym Open/Important Dates:

Evaluation Days: May 15- May 20
Team Placements Announced: May 28 by 9pm
Team Signing Days: May 29-30 & June 3-4
Team practices begin: Week of June 10
MANDATORY skills camp: June 25, 26, and 27
Choreography: 7/31-8/4 Prep/Novice;
8/9-8/14 All-Star Elite
Martin Luther King Day: January 15
February & April School Vacation- OPEN


We encourage all athletes to take time off to spend with family and friends! However, All Star Cheerleading is a team sport and athlete attendance is crucial to team success. Therefore, it is imperative for all teams to have full team practices. All absences must be approved by the Team’s contact.


(Still contact team coach for approval)
*All excused absences must have documented proof*
-Serious illness (Doctor's Note Required)
-Family emergencies/ Death of a Family Member
-Scheduled Vacations per vacation policy listed above.
-Graded School Events (coach must be notified at least 2 weeks in advance)


-School dance/School project/Too much homework/studying
-Traffic/Don’t have a ride
-Punishment for behavior at home/Grounded
-Sick sibling or parent at home so parent/guardian cant drive
-Feeling tired/Taking a break today
-School cheer/ School sports practice
-Minor Illness
-Weather issues (We ALWAYS cancel if we need to)
-Sleepover with a Friends
-Day trips to the beach, amusement park etc. that are not included in vacation time off
-School Tours and Open Houses
-Birthday Parties


Athletes MUST be present for the 3 PRACTICES PRIOR TO A COMPETITION. If an athlete misses any of these 3 practices for any reason (excused or unexcused) it will result in the athlete not being allowed to compete at that particular event. This is to ensure athlete and team success. We do understand that sometimes the reason for an athlete missing one of the 3 practices is a valid one. However, the policy will still be put into place and the athlete will not be allowed to participate in that event, no matter what the circumstances. Coaches will determine when the athlete can return to the routine, and in what capacity (based on the number of scheduled practices between competitions).

*Gym owner reserves the right to adjust this policy due to extenuating circumstances*


If an injury occurs, it is the responsibility of the parent/ guardian to seek medical attention. After seeing a physician, please provide us with an evaluation of the athlete's injury and status. An athlete with a serious injury will not be allowed to return to activity without a doctor's note clearing them from a medical professional. Once released by a medical professional, coaches will decide when athletes will be placed back into a routine. This decision is made based on the number of scheduled practices before a competition and the athletes ability to perform in all required sections of the routine


We do have a supply of ice packs at the gym. These ice packs are reserved for emergencies and unexpected injuries. Athletes that require daily icing of long term injuries will be required to bring their own disposable ice packs to practices each week or keep them in their lockers.

Please Note: Athletes are still responsible to pay monthly fees, even if they must sit out, due to minor injuries. In the case of long term or season-ending injury fees will be adjusted. Athletes must attend all practices and competitions during injuries.


SC allows athletes to miss up to ONE hour per week from Labor Day through Thanksgiving ONLY. After this time athletes will not be allowed to miss team practices for school practices OR competitions. This includes leaving early or arriving late. After Thanksgiving athletes will be allowed to participate in outside activities if they do not interfere with their SC schedule. After Thanksgiving SC athletes will NOT be allowed to miss SC practice for make up practices or games. This is to ensure team success as we head into the competitive part of our season.

*Gym owner reserves the right to adjust this policy due to extenuating circumstances*


During the competition season, all star elite athletes will be expected to travel. Some athletes will travel to national events out of the state. Transportation to competitions is the responsibility of each team member and his/her family. All Team members will wear the uniform, warm-ups or designated Spirit Central clothing to each event. These costs are your responsibility.


Please keep all Spirit Central Clothing, Warm-Ups and Uniforms in good condition. Please report any lost or damaged uniform items to your coach. The cost of replacement will be the responsibility of the athlete. Athletes must wear all assigned practice wear to practice. Athletes will NOT be allowed to wear jewelry to practice. We highly encourage all athletes to wear sports bras to practice. However, Spirit Central does not allow exposure of the midriff. Sports bras WILL NOT be allowed to be worn on their own. Athletes of all ages must keep their midriff covered. SC assumes NO responsibility for lost jewelry or any valuables.


Customers are NOT ALLOWED to create apparel, gear or merchandise of any type representing our program. This includes, but is not limited to: the name “Spirit Central”, “SC”, the SC LOGO, team names, gym hashtags or slogans (#scforever, #tigernation, “Different From The Rest'' etc).

In addition, individuals are NOT ALLOWED to solicit the SC customer base to sell merchandise of any type, for any reason. Failure to adhere to this policy would result in removal from the program.

You cannot create, sell, or collect customer orders on your own Spirit Central clothing or other items.


All athletes are placed on a team at the discretion of the coaches. Age, experience & ability all factor into placement. Please understand that athletes may be repositioned, moved or replaced at any time at the discretion of the coaches. Any changes are made to benefit the team as a whole. Parents and athletes will be involved in all discussions which may result in an athlete being moved from one team to another.


Parents are not allowed to come onto the practice floor for any reason. We will have designated viewing times for all teams. Each team will have a calendar schedule in which the TVs in the lobby will display the team practice. Please keep in mind that all discussion in the lobby about team practices should be positive and encouraging. Negativity will not be tolerated and will result in canceled viewing hours. Questions or concerns about practices should be directed to the team coaches. *Please keep in mind during scheduled team viewing time coaches have the right to allow other teams onto the floor to perform full out routines or sections. We do this often as it creates camaraderie within the gym.

Gym owners and coaches have the right to close viewing if they feel necessary.

Please note: Tumbling Classes will ALWAYS be open for viewing.


All Spirit Central team members are required to display appropriate behavior/actions on all social media platforms. We will not tolerate negative posts, comments, INAPPROPRIATE routines or music on Social Media, YouTube, Tik Tok, or any website. TIK TOK VIDEOS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO BE CREATED IN THE SPIRIT CENTRAL FACILITY OR IN SC ATTIRE unless approved by a team coach or staff member. Routine videos are NOT ALLOWED to be posted onto any public social media page. However, posting routine videos in the private facebook group or team bands IS ALLOWED. Athletes are not allowed to use the SPIRIT CENTRAL NAME, OR THEIR TEAM NAME as any social media profile name nor are they allowed to create team or group pages, or accounts without permission from coaches.


If any of the Spirit Central rules are compromised, the following actions will occur:

• 1st Violation: Discussion with the athlete defining the problem. (Parents will be emailed)

• 2nd Violation: A meeting with the athlete & the parent(s).

• 3rd Violation: The athlete will removed from the team or program

Note: If an athlete is removed from the program due to ongoing disciplinary infractions the athlete is forfeiting all monies paid to date and a $250 fee will be applied to the athletes account and the card on file will be run.

Parent/Guardian Name*
Athlete Name*